How much does it Cost to Visit Jerusalem in 2024 ?

Israel is relatively an expensive country (in the top 20). Jerusalem is less expensive than Tel-Aviv. Accommodation is the most expensive part.
Here are some common prices in Jerusalem, year 2024 :

  • Bus or Tramway ticket, in the city: 6 shekels
  • Travel by Bus from Jerusalem to Tel-Aviv and back : 32 shekels
  • Sandwich Falafel: 20 shekels
  • A drink with the Falafel: 10 shekels
  • Mac Donalds Big Mac meal: 45 shekels (too expensive, buy a falafel)
  • Small Cappuccino in a coffee chain : 12 shekels
  • A movie at a cinema: 40 shekels (don’t buy the popcorn, too expensive)
  • One night in a private room in a hostel: 200 shekels
  • One night in a standard room at the Hilton hotel: 1500 shekels

Use this Currency Converter to get the prices in your local currency.
Use Numbeo to compare cost of living between cities.

If you are on a tight budget :

  • For food : Eat a lot of Falafel and Sabih. It is healthy, vegetarian and cheap. See good locations for Humus, Falafel and Sabih in Tel-Aviv (also in Jerusalem, they are everywhere).
    Aroma is a national coffee chain, style Starbucks and they have relatively lower prices on some dishes.
  • For accommodation : There are hostels in Jerusalem. See the page : where to stay in Jerusalem.
  • For transport in the City:  Walk. It is the best way to explore a city.  Also, the Buses are not particularly expensive. See the Transport page.
  • Textile is not expensive in Israel. There are some Israeli chains like Fox and Castro with interesting products. In the markets and small shops, there are clothes (from China) at very low prices.
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